Monday, March 15, 2010

"No te ahogas"

I have been DROWNING in school work lately. There has been so much... I have to neglect some classes just to complete assignments in others. I feel like I have been struggling all semester. I reached an emotional apex this weekend where all the frustration came out in angry tears.

But I am grateful to be here, and I am grateful for my wonderful professors. After failing a quiz in my Spanish literature class, I wrote in the right answers and handed it in, having marked everything wrong and writing "Lo siento... no lei la cuenta" (Sorry, I didn't read the story).

My paper was handed back with a "10" on the top, and a note that said, "No te ahogas. Haz lo que puedes. Hoy dia cuando lo esfuerza de otros por lleva a todo adelante."

It means, "Don't drown. Do what you can. Today is a day when the strength of others carries all forward."

What a relief it is to receive such kindness from a professor. He has also talked to me individually after class, reassuring me that, even if I felt like I was drowning, that I was in the right place.

I still feel like I am drowning in school, but it is nice to know that at least one of my professors understands and is always there with helpful reassurance.

Three and a half weeks left in the semester. Here goes a hearty effort to get back to the surface...

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