Monday, March 15, 2010

"No te ahogas"

I have been DROWNING in school work lately. There has been so much... I have to neglect some classes just to complete assignments in others. I feel like I have been struggling all semester. I reached an emotional apex this weekend where all the frustration came out in angry tears.

But I am grateful to be here, and I am grateful for my wonderful professors. After failing a quiz in my Spanish literature class, I wrote in the right answers and handed it in, having marked everything wrong and writing "Lo siento... no lei la cuenta" (Sorry, I didn't read the story).

My paper was handed back with a "10" on the top, and a note that said, "No te ahogas. Haz lo que puedes. Hoy dia cuando lo esfuerza de otros por lleva a todo adelante."

It means, "Don't drown. Do what you can. Today is a day when the strength of others carries all forward."

What a relief it is to receive such kindness from a professor. He has also talked to me individually after class, reassuring me that, even if I felt like I was drowning, that I was in the right place.

I still feel like I am drowning in school, but it is nice to know that at least one of my professors understands and is always there with helpful reassurance.

Three and a half weeks left in the semester. Here goes a hearty effort to get back to the surface...

Friday, March 12, 2010

La Saeta

Today in my Spanish literature class we learned of a famous Spanish poet named Antonio Machado. His poem called "La Saeta" has really stayed with me today. Here it is, with a rough translation from me and the help I could get on the internet.

Dijo una voz popular:
Said a popular voice:
Quien me presta una escalera
Who will lend me a ladder
para subir al madero
to climb the cross
para quitarle los clavos
to take out the nails
a Jesus el Nazareno?
from Jesus the Nazarene?

Oh, la saeta, el cantar
Oh, the arrow, the song
al Cristo de los gitanos
to Christ of the gypsies
siempre con sangre en las manos
always with blood on his hands
siempre por desenclavar.
always there for taking out the nails.
Cantar del pueblo de andaluz
Song of the Andalusion people
que todas las primaveras
that every spring
anda pidiendo escaleras
walk asking for ladders
para subir a la cruz
so they may climb the cross

Cantar de tierra mia
Song of my land
que echa flores
That throws flowers
al Jesus de la agonia
At Jesus in agony
y es la fe de mis mayores
and this is the faith of my elders
!Oh, no eres tu mi cantar
Oh, this is not my song
no puedo cantar, ni quiero
I can't sing, neither do I want to
a este Jesus del madero
to this Jesus on the cross
sino al que anduvo en el mar!
but instead to He who walked on the sea!

I am so grateful that Jesus passed through the suffering he did for us. But I will look to Him forever as my savior who lives! Like Machado, this is my song and my faith.

Here is a link to the song form of this poem performed by Joan Manuel Serrat.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Today's will be a post about things that have made my day.

First is what made my day yesterday. I was on a drive with my lovely dear friend Jimmy. We were arguing and such like we do occasionally... and after some yelling and some hurt feelings I heard the lady on the radio say my name... and then I heard Jimmy's voice!! He had called and told her a bogus story of how we had just gotten engaged and that I was the love of his life... bladah bladah blah. Although none of this was true, he did it to surprise me and to make me laugh!! What a good bestie I have!! It was a lot harder to be mad at him, and we ended up having a fun night!

Now for what made my day today. This website:
This easily made my day 10,000 x better.

And something that has been making my day a lot this week... my tent! From which I am now blogging. Now that I have my trusty lantern I may never have to go back inside!

Happy Friday!!!