Saturday, October 9, 2010

Third Eye Blind

What if life was simply the time we had to weave ourselves into one eternal existence, so as a collective human soul we all had the capacity to reach some ecstatic end?  What if there was a sweet and succulent Fruit which each person endlessly longed for?  What if, with every thought one had, every word one uttered, and every interaction with another soul, this fruit reflected brightly in a still and focused eye?  What if this focus was so sharp that earthly appetites were dissolved, mood was merely conceptual, and anything perceived was done so by an augmented reason able to transcend and retranslate the earthly?

I'm sure we would all be a lot more calm.  We would have less to worry about, less to get angry over, less to get offended by.

The third eye is "the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness".  It is the capacity to see who we really are: spirits with a potential for godliness, and see what we are really surrounded with: God and eternity.  It is the ability to see the end; the glorious Fruit: eternal life. 

Some of us, you could say, have been sleepwalking.  We are unaware; third eye blind.  I know I have been so for a long time, and have engaged in a constant struggle to raise an eyelid weary from a lifetime of sleep, and to raise a soul from a lifetime submerged in dreams.

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